My vision
Soul & Life supports, encourages and walks with you in the issues or blockages around
Relating, Partnership, Love, Sexuality, Consciousness, Spirituality and Parenting.
Through my own journey I know that we like to understand why this or that is happening.
I assist you to recognize what is happening in the
to feel, to accept what is. Therefore you can invite transfomation and renewal in your Life which includes
Life often challenged me, pushed me to edges:
seperation, living in different countries, again and again starting new connections & letting go.
The waves of my life were tremendously intense and they have confronted & connected me with the whole spectrum of emotions, feeling, boundaries and believes.
Who or what am I / are we?
What to do? What do I want?
It will be an honor to support you on your path.
- Master of Soziology
- Systemic Couple & Family Therapy
- Sexuality Therapie
- Systemic Kinesiology Coaching
- Mediation
- Ecstatic Dance
- Mother of three teacher
- 7 year selfemployed "Musikgarten" in Starnberg
- 3 years as Therapist at "Family Life" in Melbourne
- Since 2008 selfemployed in Melbourne und Starnberg
- Since 2008 leading workshops in Munich & on this planet
- Experience & Teaching in Australia & South Africa & the world
My Background
I have a Master in Sociology and a degree as a Systemic Couple & Family Therapist. My personal passion since many years are the topics of Relating, Partnership, Sexuality, Spirituality, Love & Truth. This drives me to be fully authentic and in real contact with my body, soul and spirit in order to BE. I have a deeply loving and strongly grounded energy which assists me in supporting others to drop illusions and connect to the truth of who and what they are. I support with a lot of heart, authenticity and openess on the path to truely feel connection.
Besides of facilitating international workshops and seminars I work mainly with clients near Munich / Germany or where ever I travel. I meet clients with heartconnected conversations, classical tools from therapy, constellationwork, Bodywork & Sacred Sexual Healing, Meditation & own expierences. I journey with them in their transformation of lifesituations und unfolding their potential on all levels